Well Seattle was cool. Managed a trip around its old underground sidewalks and to watch the fisherman throw their wares over people's heads in the Pike Place Market. Made it up the Space Needle only to become convinced that it was moving under my feet so had to beat a hasty retreat to ground level.
Managed to hear Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit only twice, but once was in a Whiskey Bar with a bunch of Republican's from Tacoma. They invited us to a BBQ on Sunday, and of course we agreed to go despite having no intention of going whatsover. After a few Johnnie Walker Blue Labels we moved on and tried to get last orders at the Five Points Cafe, just round the corner fromthe hotel. Despite it being nearly midnight we decided we must have food - unfortunately I was too drunk to eat my Pot Roast and I think we were thrown out for being too drunk. Ooops.
One thing about Seattle, well two - the people are all short, most of them have tattoos and most of the men have James Hetfield goatees. A truly rock town.
Oh, and most public benches have signs on them limiting the amount of time you can sit there - "15 minutes maximum", "Out of respect for your neighbours, no longer than 30 mins". Very weird.
Last supper was a whole crab at Elliott's on Pier 50-something. The food was delicious with each item labelled on the menu down to the bay it was caught in. Two grown men cooing over a crisp Pinot and the succulent scallops probably left most of the Okie football supporters in there convinced we were a couple, but we are confident in our sexuality!