Jesus World as it's affectionately known to damned heathen travellers, or Tierra Santa to the good Catholic people of South America, does exactly what it says on the tin. A huge amusement park devoted to Christ and the stories surrounding him. It sounds tacky, and it is, but it's certainly not cheap. But boy is it funny.
You know you're going to enjoy somewhere when the guy who collects your tickets is dressed as a centurion and the place is run by real Franciscan monks, complete with mobiles, loudhailers and clipboards. Brilliant. I was just in heaven, well as close as I've been outside of a church, it was fascinating, unique, hilarious, sombre and ridiculous all at the same time.
It's essentially a mock Jerusalem, complete with life-size models acting out daily chores, the crucifixion, Lazarus, everything.

And then as a finale, a 30-foot high Christ rises up out of a fibreglass rock to blaring choral music and the raptures of the assembled schoolchildren. It was truly surreal, but if the point of it was to send you away feeling good about yourself, it certainly worked!
Me, Susie and a group of travelelrs we'd collected and forced to join us at Jesus World, headed back to Plaza Dorrego for some late night grub and tango. Very Buenos Aires.

Then on to a blues bar where this young girl played an astonishing set. She really was a talent and everyone loved her. Very cool.

...were done, turned itself into a disco playing Michael Jackson, A-ha and Duran Duran. I couldn't quite see the link, but the locals seemed to enjoy themselves.
After the exertions of Halloween it was a quick stroll across town to meet Susie and the school gang for a quiet steak supper. On the way I came across this lot

I don't know either, but it kinda summed Buenos Aires up. Loud, incomprehensible and slightly unhinged.
Tomorrow Uruguay.