I'd originally only intended to stay in Langkawi for a couple of days, maintaining the momentum of the previous fortnight's travels up the peninsular.
But on arriving here I decided to stay a bit longer; after all, life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.

Funny how cod John Hughes' philosophy sticks in your brain - and influences a year of your life.
I had checked into the 20 quid a night AB Motel expecting nothing much, but found I had an A/c room to myself only 10 yards from the beach.
As I stood on the beach that evening watching the sunset it dawned on me how soon I would be back in England. Don't get me wrong, I want to come home, but as I watched the sky redden I resolved not to rush up to Bangkok - I wanted to stop and look around.
I was actually pretty relieved to get here after catching the Vomit Rocket as the ferry from Penang is known. I didn't find it as bumpy or puke-inducing as some had said it would be, but I did find it strange that their choice of in-sailing film was Poseidon, a recent Kurt Russell remake of The Poseidon Adventure.
Seriously. As we hammered our way up the Straits of Malacca we watched a boat-based disaster movie. The crew walked the aisles asking if we were enjoying the movie laughing uproariously to themselves.
I would have stayed to watch it to the end, determined not to develop another transportation-based phobia, but the DVD cut-out with about twenty minutes to go. I'm sure I can work out the ending.
So it was up on deck to join those who'd been terrified topside early doors to watch our approach to Langkawi.

The next morning I headed back to the beach, only to find it utterly deserted. Bliss.
In the wake of my Bueller-based revelation the night before, I changed my reservation from two nights to six.
I then proceeded to do not a lot.
I'd wake up at about 10, bumble sleepily into the sea for a swim, have a shower, go for brunch at about 1pm, have a siesta, head back to the beach about 4pm, have a cold beer on my porch about six, go out for dinner and then go to bed.
It was really just me and the sea and it's been lovely.
I wasn't completely alone though. I had my friendly neighbourhood strays to keep me company in the evenings - I suspect it was the tinned tuna I bought for them that they were friendly with rather than me, but it was nice to have some company that didn't ask 'So how long are you travelling for?'.
I also seem to have got addicted to monkey nuts. My room is full of little piles of shells dotted around that haven't quite made it into the bin. Sorry Mum!
Don't worry, I tidy them up every morning before the cleaners arrive.
It's now my last night, and for the first time in God knows how long I'm actually writing my blog from the place it's about.
But then I have sat on my arse for the last week.
Me and you Ferris, me and you!