We found the hotel easily enough. After some disappointment that the "Courtyard" view we'd been promised was actually more of a view of the "path down the side of the hotel between my front door and the four storey apartment block on the other side of the fence", we realised it was actually in a cracking location right opposite the beach and within walking distance of Santa Monica. Walking distance. What sweet relief to know we didn't have to drive again.
But if course this is LA and we had Dodgers tickets so had to drive over to the stadium (14 miles away, but still seemingly only a fifth of the way across LA according to our map. It looked just round the corner!)
Fearing the worst of LA's infamous traffic we set out the day before yesterday to get to the stadium, only to find we were too early to get into the car park.
Still, it gave us time to buy some foam fingers and dick about.
Another American cliche ticked off - beer, hotdogs, baseball. Brilliant!